شاهد واقرأ المزيد
- 02.09.09 Fatima of Saudi Arabia 13625 مشاهدات
- 09.02.10 Coptic Priest Fearlessly Spreading God's Word 14261 مشاهدات
- 08.07.10 Hooray for the Protesters - Stop Islamization of America 15384 مشاهدات
- 13.04.11 Lessons of Hate and Violence in Islam 14925 مشاهدات
- 17.10.11 Burka Woman 11561 مشاهدات
- 07.12.11 Muslims File Discrimination Lawsuit Against Catholic School for Not Removing Jesus 18694 مشاهدات
- 06.01.10 To Hell and Back - Documentary on Near Death Experiences 18727 مشاهدات
- 26.09.09 All To You 16271 مشاهدات
- 09.04.13 10 - The Dilemma of Sharia Law - Ep3 13802 مشاهدات
- 05.04.13 04 - Religion Despise 11703 مشاهدات
Grand Madam of militant Islam in Australia | En020027
ABC1 TV Channel - The True Face of Islam

مشاهدات 14309
تعليقات 4
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1 ملف
Video Files
2010-05-08 17:51:27
An Analogy to explain what has happened to such deceived Australian women: “Islam is a liar thief-imposter and a bully crook. If Islam enters you home yard as a guest asking for help, then he takes over your own home and expel you. Islam the guest will throw you out your home and turn you to a scum! So, Islam destroys humanity from inside and within. When Mahomet run away from Mecca and invaded Yathreb as a guest, he did the same things and occupied the lands of Arab Jews and exterminated them (muzlim call that “immigration”). Wake up the Western world; to save Western civilization and mankind from Islam’s scourges and satanic cancer of doom before it is too late!
wisdom Wake Up the West: No More Immigration to the West
2010-05-07 20:31:06
Such dumb idiot two woman from Australia to accept surrender to Mzlim Fascist Mafia. She is gullible and sick. She has committed suidie herself and her children. Her role-model profane Mahomet was a pervert pedophile. Shame on you!
wisdom: Satanic Cancer is Called "Islam"
2010-05-06 20:45:06
MUZLIM MAFIA of FASCISM and TYRANNY: To Be a Muzlim = To Commit Suicide
2010-05-06 04:27:03
هذه هي الحضاره في الاسلام. وهذه حرية المراءه التي يتشدقون بها ؟. ما هو رائي المرائه المسلمه فيما يقولون الديوان-بعد زواج استمر ثلاث سنوات ، قرر سعوديان الانفصال عن بعضهما بسبب اختلافهما حول مدى شرعية نتف الحواجب . وتقدمت الزوجة بطلب طلاق إلى المحكمة، عندما فشلت محاولاتها في إقناع زوجها برأي بعض العلماء الذين أباحوا "نمص الحواجب"، فيما كان الزوج متمسكاً برأي آخر معارض لها، ما سبب خلافاً بينهما أدى إلى طلب الزوجة الطلاق منه رسمياً.(محيط)
ابو الوفاء