شاهد واقرأ المزيد
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Deadly clashes between pro-Coptic Christian protesters and security forces | En020072
CNN - The True Face of Islam
مشاهدات 11392
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2011-11-06 19:06:53
Koran provokes Muslims to murder and attend the victims’ funerals. Koran agitates Muslims to slaughter human scarifices to the criminal Allah and attend the victims’ funerals. ----------- Muslims kill brutally the victim according to the Satan’s novel, Koran, and attend his or her funeral; offering their fake condolences. Muslims have becaome unconcious and conciousless under the influence of Koran crack and Islam’s epidemic to murder humans as cockroaches. Muslims have lost most of their human streaks by the corruption of profane Koran and its evil-fascist ideologies. The evil whispers of Koran have done tremendous damage to Muslims’ behaviors. --------- Thus, Muslims, the agents of Idol Allah and Mahomet kill in cold blood ruthlessly; offering the human sacrifices, and attend the funerals to be pleased with Allah for making “Surrender Islam” victorious. We must end such evil insanity of Koran’s platform and Islam’s road map. We must wipe out the Devil in the Details in Koran.
wisdom: Koran provokes Muslims to murder and attend the victims’ funerals.