شاهد واقرأ المزيد
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Veil of Suspicion - Baning The Burka in Australia | En020029
Liz Hayes - Hiba Ayache - The True Face of Islam

مشاهدات 14208
تعليقات 4
When we stand in front of the wardrobe in the morning, we can choose anything we want to wear. No one has the right to make that decision for us. And neither should they. But right now in Australia, moves are underway to take that choice away from Moslem women. Some of our politicians want to ban the head-to-toe Burka. Already in other countries, restrictions have been placed on the traditional head scarf or hijab. It's all part of an international backlash against the Moslem community that's made the Islamic veil a symbol of fear and suspicion.
تحميل ملفات
1 ملف
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2010-07-13 11:18:47
A couple of years ago 2 Muslim women COMPLETELY veiled joined our clup, went towards the swimming pool. A member shouted at them “shower up”. They said “OK”. I was watching them what they are going to do. They went under the shower fully clothed, then they came to the swimming pool. The same fellow asked “did you shower up?” They answered “yes”, AND WENT INTO THE SWIMMING POOL FULLY CLOTHED!!!! I say that they washed their cloths while wearing them, but definitely not showered. This is menace to our feelings. This is a menace to one’s health. I also noticed that they went to the “Rules and regulations” board, which is posted in the swimming area and read it, before their daring attempt. In other words, they don’t give a damn about the infidels’ rules!! That was it for me. I went to the manager and directed him to the women. He said to me, “that is their faith”. I thought that I don’t hear right. I said, “well I’ll go naked.” He said “no.” I said , “OK, I’ll go with my street clothes on He said “no”. I said that is nonsense you keep saying no no to me, but to them they can do whatever they want, because they are Muslims!! He said that I should be tolerant. You can imagine the rest. Of course, I was determind and I did not see them again.
2010-07-02 01:52:54
شواطئ ومطاعم ونوادٍ مصرية ترفض استقبال المحجبات والمنتقبا زاد الاردن - منعت بعض شواطئ مدينة الإسكندريةالساحلية المصرية وبعض الأندية النيلية والمطاعم السياحية الفاخرة في مصر دخول المحجبات والمنتقبات إليها، وأعلنت تلك الجهات ذلك صراحة من خلال لافتات وضعتها أمام أبوابها الرئيسة، فقد قررت إدارة منشأة سياحية بكورنيش القاهرة رفض استقبال المحجبات كزبائن للمطعم الخاص بها، كما رفض أحد النوادي النيلية إقامة أحد الأفراح بحجة وجود محجبات ومنتقبات بين المعازيم، ما أدى لاستياء شديد بين بعض الأفراد ورجال الدين والقانونيين ورجال السياحة وبعض أعضاء البرلمان، وأن ذلك يتم بغير وجه حق واعتداء على الحرية الشخصية للمحجبات والمنتقبات.
ابو الوفاء
2010-06-29 20:40:30
Excellent work. That shows What Muslims are taught, they are better than any one else. They are swaggers, boasters and liars. This sheik should be deported. Clean your countries. I salute the ONLY trustful couregeous leader in the world, MR. Geert Weilders. I wish our leaders here in America follow his steps and learn from him.
2010-06-29 16:17:09
That's how the Muslims counter the western civilization and advancement in medicine art and electronics !!!. Their Hijab or immoral book the Quran . A none productive group of Mankind (unkind)
yes Jesus saves