شاهد واقرأ المزيد
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The Day Will Come When We Will Conquer the White House, Cameron and Obama Will Be on Their Knees to pay the jizyah, and Queen Elizabeth Will Wear the Veil | En020068
British Islamist Abu Waleed - The True Face of Islam
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2011-10-29 17:50:26
Stop and eradicate the new Fascism and Nazism of Islam and ban Koran, the platform of evil ---------------------- To all Westerners, stop the activation of political correctness, multiculturalism and accomidations to Muslims. Stop helping Islamic terrorism of Saudi Arabia and their violent Arab-cartel. Stop appeasing, cuddling and pampering Muslim terrorists and devout Muslims against our liberty to devour our constitution. Westerners stop immediately the influx of Muslims to the West and deport all non-Western-born Sheiks. The damage has been done by admitting a large influx of Muslims with their Islam (surrender way of doom, destruction and death), the incompitable ideology with Western civilization and endangering our Western way of liberties, human rights and freedom of speech.
wisdom: stop the activation of political correctness, multiculturalism
2011-07-06 20:35:01
Such parasite Muslim-thieves and thugs in the West Must be deported after criminalizing them and putting them in the black list. Bunch of savage bearers of porno-Koran have been swearing to convert the president of the White House into a pervert-pedophile Muslim and the Queen of United Kingdom into a veiled Muslim-whore with Nequab and Burka. Such creepy scumbags of Islam have vowed to turn the United Nations into a global slavery-market, a whorehouse and slaughterhouse to apply the chopping off necks and heads and cutting off arms and legs with beating, whipping and stoning women.
wisdom: Purging Muslim Terrorist
2011-06-30 22:31:59
The new fascists of Koran-bearers have pledged their “Takbbeer” to the female-fertility and bloodshed to dominate Europe and the USA. ------------ The sole solution is so simple. The Western World must defend itself, its civilization and identity by all means possible to wipe out the new fascism of Islam and defeat the threats of Mahomet’s barbarism of bloodshed savagery. Surrender or Islam is a Mafia-like satanic cult with fascist ideology has disguised in many names as “religion” or”belief” must be criminalized, outlawed and banned globally in the United Nations and the West. Koran must be banned and moved to the trashbin of history. We can put some lunatic Muslims in museum prisons to see how they look like with their Mahomet’s attire of savage transexuality, looks of brutal butchery and streak of lousy-ilitterate barbarism. Muslim terrorists without “underwears” have infiltrated and iflicted the West like a “cancerous virus”, immitating maniac-monster Mahomet and dreaming to dominate the destiny of human race. We are in declaired war with Islam.
wisdom: Terrorism Takbeer!
2011-06-22 11:43:26
Just another dog which is belling and others belling with! Doesn't this ignorant, follower of the devil, see that his belief is collapsing from within? I say: how ignorant must be a human being to believe in such a teaching which has nothing to do with a religion? He should just read what Ata Türk said about the one he follows and think about it.
2011-06-22 00:38:05
A WAKE UP CALL to criminalize Islam, Koran and satanic “Allahu-Akbar” scream. The propagation of pagan-barbaric Islam has taken a new tactic-road using the demagauge totalitarianism of “Allahu-Akbar” with its brutal tyranny, racial discrimination and murderous bigotry. Allahu-Akbar is a hysterical call for global terrorism, sucide-bombing tide and fascism in Islamization. --------- The new era of terrorist fascism by retarted-parasite Muslims must be defeated immediately. We must save the human race and Western civilization from such sex maniacs and gangster-butcher Allah’s bloody slaves.
wisdom: WAKE UP CALL to Criminalize Islam
2011-06-20 21:30:48
Islam is not a "religion". Islam is surrender to the will of Mahomet by the edge of the sword. Islam is a satanic cult for murder and mafia-like gang of fascism to terrorize the globe. Islam lacks any code of descent ethics but pedophilia and sodomy and a fascist ideology with Koran's platform Koran 33:26-27 and chapter 9:5, 14, 29, 73, 111 for suicide bombing and kill the infidels (who are not Muslims) wherever you can find them. Term “Muslim” means literarily “surrendered” by compulsion under subjugation.
wisdom: Islam is not a "religion".