19 - Sister Amani speaking about The Muslim Women show on Al Hayat TV En090019
Al Fadi - Amani Mostafa - Al Hayat Channel -
The Islamic Dilemma
28503 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات
01 - Introduction to the Show En090001
Al Fadi - Bill Warner - Al Hayat Channel -
The Islamic Dilemma
An explanation of the importance of this new show called: The Islamic Dilemma. Included is a brief background of the guest (Bill Warner) and the host (Al Fadi). Why is it important to understand the Arabic version of the Quran? Why is it important to compare multiple English Translation Versions of the Quran
13656 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات02.01.12
The Muslim Dior Fashion Show En020077
Bill Maher -
The True Face of Islam
12924 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
Dr. Terry Jones: Islam Is of the Devil En020036
Pastor Terry Jones - Hani Madhoun - Alyona Show -
The True Face of Islam
Islam Is of the Devil, veteran pastor Dr. Terry Jones issues a radical call for Christians in America and around the world to take notice of the truth about Islam. He is planning a burn the Qur'an day on September 11th. Alyona finds out the reason behind this and asks if this is a sign that freedom of religion, no longer exists in America. Hani Madhoun blogger at Kabobfest and Dr. Terry Jones, Senior Pastor at Dove World Outreach Center join Alyona to debate.
18942 مشاهدات 5 تعليقات