شاهد قناة الحياة

شاهد قناة الحياة علي الإنترنت

دروس بالمراسلة

دروس بالمراسلة

الكتاب المقدس المصور والناطق للأطفال

حملا الآن (ملف باور بوينت)

كلام في المحظور

شاهد أجزاء كلام في المحظور

الإنضمام لصفحتنا على الفيسبوك

الإنضمام لصفحتنا على الفيسبوك

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برنامج متميز لحماية جهاز الكمبيوتر من الهاكرز والفيروسات وأنت على الإنترنت

المزيد من الروابط السريعة

( Posts ) sex

لم يشفع لها الحجاب من عبصات شيخ مسلم وقور وهي إمرأة محجبة!! SO030014

إسلاميات دوت كوم -

وجوه وناس

A clear photo of the crime of physical sexual harassment that "Arabian" women are subjected to daily-The photo is from Morocco لم يشفع لها الحجاب من عبصات شيخ مسلم وقور وهي إمرأة محجبة!! ثم يحدثونك عن الحجاب!! شعوب الشيزوفرونيا فعلا!!

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23468 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
Aspects of Sharia law are being practiced across Australia

Aspects of Sharia law are being practiced across Australia En020071

Bryan Seymour - Today Tonight - Channel 7 - Australia -

The True Face of Islam

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12617 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات
Veena Malik ... A Pakistani Actress Mops The Floor with Ranting Mullah

Veena Malik ... A Pakistani Actress Mops The Floor with Ranting Mullah En020065

Veena Malik -

The True Face of Islam

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18061 مشاهدات 3 تعليقات


ABC1 TV Channel -

The True Face of Islam


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24379 مشاهدات 6 تعليقات
The truth about Muhammed: The Quran is a fraud!

The truth about Muhammed: The Quran is a fraud! En020013

islameyat.com -

The True Face of Islam

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36735 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات
Bilal Skaf,  the teenager who led a gang of savage rapists on a rampage that shocked Australia.

Bilal Skaf, the teenager who led a gang of savage rapists on a rampage that shocked Australia. En020008

Beyond Darklands - Channel 7 - Australia -

The True Face of Islam

Who is the real motivating behind Bilal Skaf who orchestrated attacks that would shake public confidence in the justice system, ignite racial tension and leave behind scores of women whose lives are damaged forever? Could be his family or Sheikh Taj el-din Al Hilaly or the quran and hadith? Sheikh Taj el-din Al Hilaly, a senior Muslim cleric has drawn criticism for reportedly preaching that some women are attracting sexual assault by the way they dress and their actions. Sheikh Taj el-din Al Hilaly is reported as saying that women who do not wear the hijab, or headdress, are like uncovered meat. In 2000, a series of brutal gang rapes took place in Sydney. The gang leader was 18-year-old Bilal Skaf, who with his brother Mohamed, organized the abduction and rape of four girls in three separate attacks, one of them lasting more than six hours. Up to 14 men were involved, with the youngest just 13. Even after they were caught, the rapists continued to harass the victims, knowing that without key testimony from a victim, police wouldn't have a case.

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29937 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات
Iran has the highest rate of sex changes in the world - أعلى معدل لعمليات تغيير الجنس عالميا في إيران

Iran has the highest rate of sex changes in the world - أعلى معدل لعمليات تغيير الجنس عالميا في إيران En020004


The True Face of Islam

Iran has the highest rate of sex changes in the world, most of them. Yet in a country where homosexuality is illegal, the government will provide half the cost of the operation.

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23441 مشاهدات 2 تعليقات