Escape In A Human Cargo - Based on a true story | AF020007

John McDonald - أفلام وثقائية

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مشاهدات 43508

تعليقات 7

John McDonald, an American trying to build low-cost housing in Saudi Arabia in 1977, is jailed by his Saudi partners, Fazza and Suliman, when the relationship sours. With his passport confiscated and unable to call on the U.S. government for help, he finds unexpected support from Dennis, an American oil businessman working in Saudi Arabia, who helps him make a harrowing escape.

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    تحميل الملف - عرض

7 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. these are their purpoe, they only want sex and not more , and that is their religion


  2. that is meaning that the truth never will be hidden , and must be appeared .


  3. yes , of course we know very well the meaning of islam , and we never surprise if we saw these films . but realy we are happy to know that usa and europe also know as well as we know ,islam.


  4. رجاء محبه الترجمه


  5. شكراً جزيلاً دائماً تتحفونا بكل جديد


  6. Thank you for these nice movies they are really opening our eyes to know between truth and satan or Evil. God bless you, So I suggest to every one to pray for Fr. Zakaria to comlete his mission and and hit the devil castle by the Holy spirit power of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  7. شوفو الفرق اللي بين الاجانب والعرب شوفو اسلوب العرب والتعامل وشوفو الاجانب فرق السماء والارض العرب عمرون ما رح يطورو


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