شاهد واقرأ المزيد
- 16.12.09 Christian-Muslim Tension In Egypt 24372 مشاهدات
- 07.07.10 Moderate Islam forced on Australian Muslims 12831 مشاهدات
- 07.07.10 Interview with Hizb Ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar about their campaign of Islamic state 13596 مشاهدات
- 05.12.10 Eliot Spitzer confronts Radical Muslim cleric Iman Anjem Choudary: 16388 مشاهدات
- 15.12.09 Tawfiq Hamid, A Former Terrorist Speak Out - Islam and the Israeli - Palestinian conflict 17264 مشاهدات
- 02.02.12 In The Red Chair 14254 مشاهدات
- 06.09.11 01 - Jay Smith Testimony 11811 مشاهدات
- 22.05.12 04 - Christ, the Manifested Jehovah: Jesus is Jehovah, Which Is - Ep4 13453 مشاهدات
- 25.02.13 05 - Backgrounds of the Quran - Ep4 12008 مشاهدات
- 29.04.13 15 - The Dilemma of Islamic Revelation 23225 مشاهدات
This is scary and every one should think he cast his vote | En020069
Shahid Malik - Justice Minister Labor MP for Dewsbury - UK - The True Face of Islam

مشاهدات 12241
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2011-07-29 09:20:06
But how specifically can we stop the speeding of islam all over the Europe ? In my country, Moldova, recently islam was registered . What can I do for my nation to wake up ? Can some one from here to help me with a good advice ?
2011-07-20 12:15:16
All what I can say is that we are in a huge trouble if we do not wake up and act to save our lives, freedom and future of our children.