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The Great Divide ... I hate democracy, absolutely! | En020064
ABC TV - Australia - The True Face of Islam
مشاهدات 15311
تعليقات 4
Australian subscribers may have caught ABC television's "60 Minutes" programme last Sunday night? "The Great Divide" - dealing with 'Multiculturalism'. During the programme an Islamic leader spoke the truth about Muslim intentions for Australia. He was very open about bringing down the Australian way of life and establishing Sharia in Australia. Said he; "You have to hate democracy and love Sharia". His goal; an Islamic Australia. Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon, a trained architect and former Christian from South Australia, told 60 Minutes that Islam and multiculturalism can never coexist. "I hate democracy, absolutely. With my heart, my speech and my hands, as much as I can," Mr Siddiq-Conlon says in the interview. Australian-born Mr Siddiq-Conlon is promoting an Islamic state in Australia through his group "Sharia for Australia". For those Australians who feel that groups such as these will simply fade away - think again. Our leaders, many pastors, and our politicians are simply ignorant of Islamic ambitions for Australia and New Zealand. This eye-opening programme is well worth a viewing.
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2011-03-27 18:16:04
Ten Reasons to Burn a Koran ________________________________________ By Fran Ingram - Posted on 02 September 2010 The world is in bondage to the massive grip of the lies of Islam. These are: One The Koran teaches that Jesus Christ, the Crucified, Risen Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords was NOT the Son of God, nor was he crucified (a well documented historical fact that ONLY Islam denies). This teaching removes the possibility of salvation and eternal life in heaven for all Islam's believers. They face eternal damnation in hell if they do not repent. Two The Koran does not have an eternal origin. It is not recorded in heaven. The Almighty God, Creator of the World, is NOT its source. It is not holy. It's writings are human in origin, a concoction of old and new teachings. This has been stated and restated for centuries by scholars since Islam's beginnings, both Moslem and non-Moslem. Three The Koran's teaching includes Arabian idolatry, paganism, rites and rituals. These are demonic, an ongoing satanic stronghold under which Moslems and the world suffer. Four The earliest writings that are known to exist about the Prophet Mohammad were recorded 120 years after his death. All of the Islamic writings (the Koran and the Hadith, the biographies, the traditions and histories) are confused, contradictory and inconsistent. Maybe Mohammad never existed. We have no conclusive account about what he said or did. Yet Moslems follow the destructive teachings of Islam without question. Five Mohammad's life and message cannot be respected. The first Meccan period of his leadership seems to have been religiously motivated and a search for the truth. But in the second Medina period he was "corrupted by power and worldly ambitions." (Ibn Warraq) These are characteristics that God hates. They also led to political assassinations and massacres which continue to be carried out on a regular basis by his followers today.
2011-03-27 18:14:39
Ten Reasons to Burn a Koran ________________________________________ By Fran Ingram - Posted on 02 September 2010 The world is in bondage to the massive grip of the lies of Islam. These are: Six Islamic Law is totalitarian in nature. There is no separation of church and state. It is irrational. It is supposedly immutable and cannot be changed. It must be accepted without criticism. It has many similarities to Nazism, Communism and Fascism. It is not compatible with Western Civilization. Seven Islam is not compatible with democracy and human rights. The notion of a moral individual capable of making decisions and taking responsibility for them does not exist in Islam. The attitude towards women in Islam as inferior possessions of men has led to countless cases of mistreatment and abuse for which Moslem men receive little or no punishment, and in many cases are encouraged to commit such acts, and are even praised for them. This is a direct fruit of the teachings of the Koran. Eight A Muslim does not have the right to change his religion. Apostasy is punishable by death. Nine Deep in the Islamic teaching and culture is the irrational fear and loathing of the West. Ten Islam is a weapon of Arab imperialism and Islamic colonialism. Wherever Islam has or gains political power, Christians, Jews and all non-Moslems receive persecution, discrimination, are forced to convert. There are massacres and churches, synagogues, temples and other places of worship are destroyed.
wisdom: Ten Reasons to Burn a Koran
2011-03-27 17:31:37
The Australian family, I will call them Mr. Nasikh, and Mrs Mansoukh. Mr. Nasihk reminded me by Judas, he converted 12 years ago, he is very shaken, hesitated, nervous and realy lost and destroyed, he does not know that he is in the bottom of the devil net, he immagine that Quran is the word of God. While Mrs Mansoukh has the magic answer, which solve all the problems facing Muslims " not who I know," "they do not represent all Muslim" " we are just normal people, go every day to our job, to contribute to our sociaty" " multiculturism is wonderful---of course for muslim in foriegn land. and not for non-muslim in a muslim- majority land."
2011-03-26 05:06:53
اخبار مفرحة فعلا ان العالم بدأ يعي خطورة هذا السرطان الاسلامي. لاحظوا كيف ان المسلم يستخدم الديمقراطية ليضربها ويهدم بنائها.. ولكن هناك من يقف لهم بالمرصاد وسترون النتائج قريبا جدا... الاخ يقول انه لايمكن ايقاف الاسلام وانا اقول لك ان الاسلام يمكن ايقافه بسهولة شديدة جدا اذا ما قرر الغرب القضاء عليه نهائيا... الاسلام اضعف نظام وجد على وجه الارض لانه يعيش على الجهل ومتى ما تم تثقيف الناس فسيموت الاسلام ونحن نرى مايحدث الان في العالم الاسلامي من ردات اسلامية هائلة.... انا حقيقة افرح عندما اجد اناس يتكلمون بمثل منطق هؤلاء المتعصبين لانهم هم من يساهم في تدمير الاسلام اسرع ... نحمد الله ان العالم تنبه لهذا الخطر قبل فوات الاوان وبدأ يتخذ خطوات جدية للقضاء على هذا المرض والاخطر هو ان التحرك بدأ على المستوى الشعبي وليس على مستوى الحكومات وبما ان الشعوب بدأت تتحرك فهذا يعني ان التغيير الى الافضل سيتم قريبا بعون المسيح الرب... انا اطلب من كل اخواني واخواتي المسيحيين ان يفعلوا ما يفعله المتنصرين وهو التكلم بكل جرأة وقوة عن الاسلام وفضحه بكل مناسبة... الاسلام يترنح ولم يتبقى الا الضربة القاضية طبعا مع مراعاة ان نضرب الاسلام لا المسلمين لانه كما قالت هذه الفتاة في هذا الفيديو ان الغالبية من المسلمين هم اناس عاديون تماما لايهمهم نشر الاسلام بل يعيشون حياتهم يوم بيوم كما يفعل كل انسان عادي وطبيعي... هؤلاء المسلمين اناس مساكين وهم مسلمين بالاسم فقط... الرب يبارك الجميع..