فيديو  قتل  مايكل منير  نجع حمادي  هاني عزيز  أحمد موسى  إضطهاد  اقباط  القاهرة اليوم  القرآن  الأنبا كيرلس  الحديث  ذبح  شريف دوس  عمر أديب
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مناقشة أحداث نجع حمادي وتصريحات متناقضة للأنبا كيرلس | DA070190

عمر أديب - أحمد موسى - مايكل منير - شريف دوس - هاني عزيز - سعد الجمال - القاهرة اليوم - الوجه الحقيقي للإسلام

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  1. الى متى ؟؟؟!!!. الى متى سيبقى الجهل والغباء والحقد في مصر. وما هو المطلوب من المسيحيين لكي يرضون ال......؟ الى متى سترضخ مصر ام الحضارات الى المستوردين من السعوديه وايران. الى متى والى اين ستكون النهايه ؟. الى متى ستبقى شريعة الغاب تحتل العقل المصرى او بالاحرى الجامع المصري مصدر كل الشرور والعنف والعنصريه ؟. انني لا انكر كثرت العقلأ في مصر ولاكن اين هم ؟؟. العقللاء في مصر مرهبون. اذا نطق احدهم في كلمة حقٍ فلا يعلم اين مصيره من تهم التكفير التي ستوجه اليه بل وفي هدر دمه ؟. اهذا ما تسمونه دينٌ من عند الله ؟. او ما تسمونه شرائع الله عز وجل جلاله. لا ثم لا. بكل اسف شرائعكم ايه المسلمون شرائع الغاب بل وادنى منها. اعتقد انه حان الوقت للوقوف امام هؤلأ الدعاه الكذبه والدجاليين. وفضح كل مقاصدهم الشيطانيه. اقدم شكري الى كل من عرض برنامجاً او مقالاً من اجل التوعيه والتنبيه. الشكر الخالص الى ابطال حوار الحق وسؤال جرئ وكل برامج قناة الحياه الحبيبه. واخيراً الشكر الى المذيعين الجرئيين عمر اديب واحمد موسى وكل من شاركهم في القاهره اليوم. ش


  2. To my Coptic Brothers: it is such a sad time in our history under the dark tyranny of islam. Nevertheless, Our Awesome God is able to turn this curse into a blessing according to his promises “However, the LORD your God would not listen to Balaam but turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the LORD your God loves you.” Deuteronomy 23:5 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrew 12:1 To my muslim friends: you are as predictable as always; however, I m glad some of you started reading. First, you need to distinguish between Christianity and the actions (sins) of Christians. True Christian’s life is that of inner and outer peace; there is no need to hurt anyone else. We never hurt we never wanted to hurt and we don’t want to see your young men killed in such terroristic and cowardly manner. At any rate, you may want to read bible verses in context so you may have better understanding of the spirit of the bible. Christ according to your beliefs is THE WORD OF GOD who ever put that in quran did not know the meaning, but that’s ok Google may help. The term Christ means the anointed, kings and priests are anointed as they start their services. Oil is a symbol of healing and power. I ll take Myroon oil over your camel urine medicinal potions every day of the week. If you ever start reading your texts in context, you will find out that Haman was Pharaoh’s first minster according the author of the quran. It seems he (who ever came up with the quran) was not aware of the basic historical facts. Hamman is Persian name and at that time both Persia and Egypt were at war Haman is name of Persian pagan god. Do not skip over that. Muslims prayer rituals are very similar to that of jewish rituals; the founder of islam copied it as he did to many other things like 4 wives before he turned on them. I m sure you enjoyed circling half-naked a cubical building and kissing the famous black stone (it used to be white) do you know why it is black now, I careless where did he whip this practice from. The only Name that can order evil spirits to leave a person is the name of THE WORD OF GOD = The NAME OF CHRIST = THE NAME OF GOD, and the icons of our Saints bring peace to the distraught and sad. I challenge to examine Christianity with an open heart and mind. You have failed to make us hate you we know you are fooled by evil teaching. I could not help by say Good morning and Good luck there is a new dawn; let the light of God shine on you.


  3. منكم لله . تقتلون ابناءنا و تحلون اموالنا ونساءنا .هذا هو الاسلام .


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